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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Obama, the community organizer and his new role as President.


Telling it like it is.

Barack Obama wants to be the American President, and yet hes credentials states that he's never even managed any American company. But in the other hand, he has plenty of charisma! Is that enough?

Judging from his activities and preparations before his actual Presidency ever occurs, I can foreseen what could be and how would evolve his coming political and economic agendas.

By just looking at the Obama's resume, I can tell that many American citizen may have some concerns regarding Obama's qualification as the chief executive, because apparently he has not enough credentials and experiences to be in charge of the American's destiny.

As I already said by looking at his (I must say: a rather paper thin) resume, I can envisage what kind of leadership we should expect from an Obama's Presidency.

Before becoming a community organizer in Chicago and practiced as a civil rights attorney, Obama attended and graduate at the Columbia University and Harvard Law School where he was also, "the president" of the Harvard Law Review. From 1997 to 2004 he served three years in the Illinois Senate.

Later, Obama was a junior United States Senator from Illinois from 2005 until his resignation on November 16, 2008.

The thing that I wanted to emphasize here is the, "community organizer" work he has done back in Chicago. To many Americans, it can look very little and not that much of important help to Obama coming administration, but I firmly believe, that everything he will do, or will decide to do, will be centered in this former job of his!

The community organizer.

So, as a community organizer what he can do?

He can do a lot with it! Obama could reach across the political aisle with an open mind to [the Republicans] and as well the democrats, and ask some of them to join forces with his team, and in the very end put together a team of the best and brightest minds of America.

Ultimately, that's what a good organizer will do. Convince people with different ideas and backgrounds, to pull together for a common goal: the good of America (and of course, the good of his administration).

We can expect in the near future, that Barack Obama will be prospecting anyone capable of, to put together a team of unmatched people and convince them to work for his own cause.

Obama, Clinton Discuss Top State Job.

As already we may have heard, there are rumors that the President-elect Barack Obama is considering for secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton... A lot people were really amazed that Obama has made a such decision. A bad move? Maybe! He wants to incorporate in his new administration even a former major rival, for the democratic nomination such as a Hillary Clinton...

Hypothetically, if I had an administration of mine and I had to possibility to have somebody
on my team as talented and asserted such as her, could I have allowed myself of leaving her out of a my hypothetical administration/team? No, of course not!

with Obama in the world stage, I anticipate more discussions and less threatening politics in the America international affairs. Probably, he will look for dialogues rather than have any confrontational attitudes towards his interlocutors. And hopefully in the end, to find solution for untangle possible explosive situations.

So that, he will handle international affair in mellower ways, rather than imposing America's will with its overwhelming status. But, in the same time when the situation will require it, he will show enough toughness towards his hostile interlocutor.

And therefore, that's what Obama is doing. Indeed, with the mind of a good community organizer, he's looking beyond the boundaries of personal preconceptions if the scope requires it, and extending his hand even to former enemies, for the good of his administrative success.

We can be sure that his operations in the White House, will be a mix of tactics and mediations. Obama will try to draw to his cause, anyone capable of making him sail smoothly during all of his Presidency.


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Sadie said...

I like how you say "anyone capable of helping him sail smoothly". That is too true. Especially with the announcement of selecting Hillary, he's showing that he's surrounding himself with people that he can depend on to help him appear to know what he's doing. Even back when they were 'rivals' I wasn't sure I really bought it, and now I buy it even less. I think it was all planned that whichever of them won, they'd pick the other.

Red.eVolution said...

Dear Sadie, indeed they could have planned a, "sudden come back" in the American's political sceneries. Whoever of them would have lost in the Democratic primary, and because they are both smart and capable people they knew from the start, they could have had a big help from each other when the right time would had come...

In the other hand, it may well be a smart political move! You know that old adage of, "keep your friends close, and your enemy even closer".

Thanks Sadie, for the comment.

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